
Why do people hate Dasani? Memes galore as controversial bottled water remains unsold during Hurrica

Dasani, the sub-brand of Coca-Cola, is primarily concerned with selling bottled water. The brand was launched in the US in 1999 to go against Pepsico's bottled water brand Aquafina.

Dasani can be considered a successful product in the USA and a few other countries. However, in the UK, the brand failed miserably.

In 2004, Dasani bottled waters were taken off the shelves in the UK, as high levels of bromate were found in the water. This led to Coca-Cola recalling over 500,000 bottles across the country, as long-term exposure to bromate has been linked to cancer risks.

In 2012, it was announced that Coca-Cola nixed the plan for Dasani's Europe expansion, which would have reportedly cost around £70 million.

Dasani's public perception over the years has taken such a hit that during Hurricane Ida, a snap of unsold Dasani bottles went viral on Twitter.

Why do people hate Dasani?

Dasani is essentially filtered tap water with added minerals for taste, causing consumers and media to label it a "rip-off."

Dasani's controversy in the UK

As mentioned before, Dasani's water contained high traces of bromate. However, further controversy was sparked when several UK media outlets exposed Coca-Cola for selling "glorified tap water" in 2004.

Most UK newspapers headlined this revelation three weeks after the brand's launch in the country. It was compared to a 1992 episode of hit British sitcom Only Fools and Horses, "Mother Nature's Son," where Del Boy schemes to sell bottled tap water.

According to The Guardian, the legendary beverage brand suffered a loss of £25 million from canceled deals and the advertising campaign for the launch.

Fake news that affected Dasani

In 2017 and 2018, news outlets started reporting that a parasite was found in Dasani, which led to the hospitalization of several people who drank it. However, the reports were later debunked by Coca-Cola, who alleged that the news was false.

Microplastic contamination study

In 2018 and 2019, studies showed that most bottled water contained traces of microplastics and microparticles. The study also included premium bottled water brands like Aquafina, Dasani, and Evian.

Here's how people are reacting to the brand on Twitter

The other reason people seem to hate Dasani is its premium price. Several consumers took to Twitter to express their opinions about the bottled "purified" tap water, which starts from $0.7-$1.8 throughout the world.

Analyzing past trends and scandals, it can be predicted that the public dislike for the brand will not go away any time soon.

Also read: Twitter is overrun with memes as people refuse to drink "Dasani" water even during the Texas Crisis

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Martina Birk

Update: 2024-08-21